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Happy 55th Anniversary, TSO! Commemorative Bruckner 200 concert and TSO's 55th documentary


Founded in 1969, the Taipei Symphony Orchestra (TSO) celebrates its 55th anniversary this year. The 2024 TSO Master Series anniversary concert have taken place on May 18 at the National Concert Hall and featured TSO Conductor Laureate Eliahu Inbal and renowned Japanese pianist Hayato Sumino. 

To mark the anniversary, TSO produced The Flowing Movements—Taipei Symphony Orchestra, a documentary showcasing the orchestra’s 55-year history of cultivating music in Taipei, spreading the joy of music, and becoming an integral part of the people’s musical life, as it grows and thrives alongside the city.

On the programme for the 2024 TSO Master Series—Eliahu Inbal and Hayato Sumino concert are Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 1 and Bruckner’s Symphony No. 7. Tickets quickly sold out upon release, creating a buzz among music lovers. 

In addition to being a highlight of TSO’s Bruckner 200 series, the concert has also served as the 55th anniversary celebration. Pre-concert and intermission interactive attractions include Inbal and Bruckner chibi-style cardboard cutouts and Instagram filters, allowing fans to join in the anniversary commemoration. As an extra special treat, at the end of the concert, audiences have invited to take a group photo with the musicians and the all-orchestra members.

The Flowing Movements—Taipei Symphony Orchestra was produced by Taiwan Public Television and chronicles the half-century of TSO’s growth and transformation, and its future direction. The documentary features interviews with famous musicians who have worked with TSO and serves as an important record of the development of classical musical in Taipei. 

Behind-the-scenes footage shows Conductor Laureate Eliahu Inbal leading rehearsals and guiding the orchestra as it evolves. The film also offers glimpses of TSO’s future home, Taipei Concert Hall (provisional name), and records precious moments of discussion between Inbal and the late acoustic architect Albert Xu.

At the premiere of the documentary, Taipei Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-hua expressed her gratitude to Maestro Inbal for his dedication over the past five years. He has brought his lifelong musical expertise to the orchestra and created so many unforgettable concerts that enabled music lovers to enjoy the legendary conductor’s performances live in Taipei.

In turn, speaking from the heart, Maestro Inbal explained that his passion for conducting comes from the thrill and energy the process entails, especially the transformation that takes place from the time of the first rehearsal up to the final performance. Inbal said he looks forward to continuing his collaboration with TSO and bringing more exceptional concerts to Taipei audiences.

Meanwhile, detailed designs for the upcoming Taipei Concert Hall have been completed, and the construction project is set to move into the bidding phase. In the future, TSO will have an excellent classical music hall, providing the public with a wonderful listening experience. Together, TSO and the new venue will take the people of Taipei forward into the next half-century of classical music.

The Documentary of TSO “The Flowing Movements “has on YouTube with Traditional Chinese and English subtitles, watching on the website:
