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FAQ about Taipei Symphony Orchestra

How to buy TSO ticket?

1.Purchase your ticket through the Internet at Opentix https://www.opentix.life/.

2.Purchase your ticket from any location with “OPENTIX” system. For more information, please check https://www.opentix.life/location. Cash or credit cards only.

How to Buy TSO publication?


⇒Online Government Book Store: https://www.govbooks.com.tw/

⇒ Wunanbooks: https://www.wunanbooks.com.tw/home

⇒ Books: https://www.books.com.tw/

⇒ Kingstone: https://www.kingstone.com.tw/

⇒ eslite: https://www.eslite.com/

⇒ Taaze: http://www.taaze.tw/index.html

2.Listening Online

⇒ iTunes、Spotify、Apple Music、MyMusic...

What are the School Concert series(“育藝深遠”音樂會)hosted by the Taipei Symphony Orchestra (TSO)?

Combining education with culture, the "School Concert" series has been warmly received by student and parents.Under the "School Concert" series, every fifth grade elementary school students in Taipei city can watch live symphony orchestra performances. A total of 361,137 students went to concert halls to listen to live classical music at 300 concerts performed between September 2005 and June 2015. The project integrating art and education has been popular since its debut with frequent positive feedback after each concert. Teachers generally acknowledged the program for the current academic year, saying it helped students learn more about each musical instrument in a symphony orchestra. Meanwhile, students wrote down their impressions and thoughts on the concerts in their reports. Some drew the instruments that left the deepest impression on them while others left messages on TSO's on-line bulletin board to express their support and gratitude for the activities. A number of schools and parents from other cities and counties learned about the program from media reports and asked TSO by telephone if their children could attend these marvelous musical events.

How to join the TSO Wind Orchestra / TSO Youth Chamber / TSO Chorus?

There are no fixed dates for holding auditions for the TSO Wind Orchestra, TSO Youth Chamber or TSO Chorus. Auditions are organized depending on the needs of the members and for the performances. Please pay close attention to the “Latest News” on the TSO homepage for audition announcements.